Diaspora Ready to partner with NHT to Build Jamaica

“We are ready to partner” was the resounding confirmation from the scores of diasporans who converged at the National Housing Trust, NHT, “Come Build with Us” presentation at the recently held 10th Biennial Diaspora Conference at the Montego Bay Convention Centre.

One such individual was Dr. Daughton Hines from New York, who advised that he had commenced preparations to develop parcels of land to create more affordable housing solutions for NHT contributors across the island.

Celebrating the commitment from the group, presenter, Dwayne Berbick, Assistance General Manager, Communications and Public Affairs, NHT, underscored that multi-stakeholder partnerships, including with members of the diaspora was pivotal in helping the NHT support the government’s thrust to deliver 70,000 housing solutions to market over the next five years.

Brian Saunders, Senior General Manager, Construction and Development, NHT, who was presenting alongside Mr. Berbick, advised that both the Guaranteed Purchase Programme, GPP, and the New Developers Programme were two of the organisation’s modalities through which individuals could partner in construction of units.

“Under the GPP, which was introduced in 2018, the developer finances the construction and development on their parcels of land and the NHT would guarantee to purchase of the agreed units for its contributors. We have plans to deliver some overall 4,200 housing solutions based on projects at different stages of planning.. On the other hand, under the Developers Programme, the developer designs and builds low-cost housing solutions on lands owned by the NHT. We have about 5000 solutions across the island now in planning under the programme,” said Mr. Saunders.

Mr. Saunders further advised that developers, under both programmes could look forward to support from the NHT including =5% financing of development costs, administrative support to review the proposals as well as support in the approval processes with partner agencies. He also encouraged developers with alternative building systems, to make use of NHT’s lots earmarked for research and development of these building systems.

Beyond partnership for construction and development, Mr. Berbick utilised the opportunity to remind members of the diaspora about the benefits accessible as voluntary contributors to the Trust.

“Most NHT mortgage financing and benefits are also extended to persons within the diaspora, once they have registered as a contributor and become eligible after contributing. This includes a refund of NHT contributions made and NHT’s low interest rates” said Mr. Berbick.

Developers at home and overseas wishing to partner with the NHT under the Guaranteed Purchase and Developers Programmes, should send a direct email to transactionmgr@nht.gov.jm or visit the NHT website at www.nht.gov.jm.


Brian Saunders Diaspora Conference 2024

Brian Saunders, Senior General Manager, Construction and Development, National Housing Trust, engages with an interested member of the audience about the benefits under the Guaranteed Purchase Programme and Developers Programme.