NHT Contributors are eligible for a total refund of all contributions as a "Special" Contributions Refund upon retirement.
If you are a retiree applying for a “Special” Contributions Refund, you need to have:
- Your TRN
- Your NIS Number
Occasionally, there are instances where multiple persons may have been assigned the same NIS Number, or where one person may have multiple NIS Numbers. We advise you to ask the NIS office for a verification letter, which will indicate the correct number to be used.
- Your personal contact information
Please ensure to provide as much reliable contact information (including your e-mail address) as possible so that we can get in touch with you if we have any queries regarding your application. - A valid (non-expired) Photo ID such as a Driver’s Licence, Passport or Voter’s ID.
- Employer Verification Letter
- The registered names of the company/companies with which you worked during the year/years for which you are applying for a refund. You will also need to know the year(s) that you worked at each company and each company’s reference number.
This means that if you are applying for a Refund for your contributions paid to the NHT in the year 2000, you will need to know the registered name of the company or companies with which you worked in the year 2000. One of the best ways to confirm the registered name of the company is to refer to your pay slip. - Proof of your age
This could be satisfied by a Passport, new form birth certificate, school admission record or a Statutory Declaration Form that could be completed by someone who has known you from early childhood (and signed, stamped and dated by a Justice of the Peace).
Please note that only original identification documents should be submitted to the NHT, these would be copied by us and returned immediately.