Access to Information

We are ready to provide members of the public with official documents under the Access To Information Act (ATI Act).

The public has a right to information

Under the ATI Act, which was passed in Parliament in June 2002, the public has a legal right to official documents. Public authorities will therefore be more transparent and will demonstrate improvements in their operations. The Act will allow public authorities to:

  • Be more accountable to the public
  • Allow members of the public to influence and take part in government decisions, which are critical to their affairs.
  • Educate the public about how the government works.

How to access documents

The Trust will continue to publish official government documents on web sites, through the Media, newsletters and other publications. Furthermore such documents will be granted to persons who make requests by telephone, email, fax, letter or in person. Requests made under the ATI Act will be processed by completing a general application form for official documents, which can be used for any government agency.

Not all documents may be viewed

However, not all information is available for public viewing. These are called exempt documents/matters. They relate to national security, business and personal affairs. The NHT, like other public authorities has to consider if releasing information can aid criminal activities, have negative effects on business activities and on one's personal affairs.

Should a member of the public request such information and want to query why it is not being granted, such a person has a right to appeal.

For further information, please contact:

Deloris Sicard, 
ATI Request, 
NHT Corporate Communications Department, 
National Housing Trust, 
4 Park Boulevard, 
Kingston 5.

Tel: (876) 929-6500-9; 960-4010-23, ext.8055 or 2342/3

or e-mail