Young Adults, Women Dominate at NHT’s Hummingbird and Monymusk Housing Developments

Young Jamaicans represented the majority of recipients of keys and letters of possession for land during the National Housing Trust’s (NHT) combined handover ceremony for Hummingbird Meadows Phases 1&2 and Monymusk Country Estate Phase 2, Clarendon on Friday ( November 10).

The handing over of the keys and letters of possession, was led by Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness.

During his keynote address, Prime Minister Holness revealed that 81 per cent of the new mortgagors for Monymusk were from the 25 to 40 age group. A similar age range represented more than 70% of the new mortgagors at Hummingbird Meadows. This sees a combined 75 per cent of young adult homeowners for both developments.

Noting the affordability and accessibility of both developments, the Prime Minister further revealed that more than half the selectees for Hummingbird earned weekly incomes of between minimum wage and $42,000, accessing their mortgages at either 0 or 2%. Similarly, for Monymusk, 57% of the new mortgagors earn between $7,000 to $30,000.99, accessing their mortgage at 0%.

Addressing the need for even more affordable housing, Mr Holness emphasized the NHT's commitment to bringing even more houses to the market through public-private partnerships.

"We are very interested in bringing the capabilities of the private sector to the affordable segment of the market through several facilities like the Guaranteed Purchase Programme and Developers Programme to expand the rapid build-out of houses," said Mr Holness.

Welcoming the new homeowners, Member of Parliament, MP, Clarendon, South Eastern and Minister of Labour and Social Security, Pearnel Charles Jr. noted that developments like Hummingbird and Monymusk facilitate the implementation of well-needed infrastructure to serve the community and surrounding environs.

The Member of Parliament revealed that the community could expect the construction of a 150,000-gallon water tank through the joint efforts of the National Water Commission and the NHT. This, according to the MP., is to be followed by the construction of a 700,000-gallon well.

Representing the NHT, Board Director, Doran Dixon advised that the ceremony was continued evidence of the NHT's commitment to Jamaica.

"The NHT is proud that another group of well-deserving Jamaicans will experience the joys of homeownership. These houses and Serviced Lots will not only provide shelter for families but also offer them an opportunity to transform their lives and leave a lasting legacy. Today, we are planting the seed of change for generations to come," said Mr. Dixon.

New homeowner, Vasper Scarlett, in an expression of gratitude, thanked the NHT on behalf of the newly minted mortgagors. He also used the opportunity to encourage his fellow homeowners to manage their new investments wisely.

"I anticipate that we will co-exist harmoniously, we will collaborate with each other to make these schemes flagship housing developments that are pristine, nurturing, progressive and safe."

Humming Bird Meadows, when complete, will  consist of 556 housing solutions. The housing units and Serviced Lots are being developed in two phases. Meanwhile, Monymusk Country Estate, Phase 2 consists of 351 housing solutions;a combined 907 housing solutions for both developments.

Hummingbird Meadows Banner

Prime Minister Andrew Holness joins the proud set of new homeowners for the Humming Bird Meadows and Monymusk Country Estate Developments, Clarendon. Also joining the Prime Minister and homeowners are (front, from left): NHT board director Doran Dixon, Member of Parliament Clarendon, South Eastern and Minister of Labour and Social Security, Pearnel Charles Jr, His Worship The Mayor, Councilor Winston Maragh.

Hummingbird Meadows Beneficiary

Young homeowner Tanya-Lee Francis collects her keys from Prime Minister Andrew Holness.