Tricia Hylton: A True Testament of Resilence

Forty-seven-year-old, Tricia Hylton can remember vividly the moment she broke down in tears, after her last application for a Serviced Lot at NHT’s Steelfield Housing Scheme was not successful. She was discouraged and lost hope in the process, vowing to never apply for another NHT scheme unit or lot again.

“But my Aunt Stephanie said something to me. She said, ‘don’t worry yourself, it is not your time yet. Something will come,” she reminisced. Those words were poignant and gave Tricia a renewed hope and confidence that her time would come, and it would be great.

So, when applications opened up for Windsor Hills, Trelawny, she decided to take a leap of faith. She explained, “something deep inside me told me, one of those houses is yours.” And with that, the Trelawny native applied.

Hylton confesses that she applied with ‘some attitude,’ as there were still scars remaining from the previous application. “I applied for apply sake. So, when my co-worker called me and told me my name was published in the paper, I was so surprised. I thought, clearly she must be lying! But, she was not, my name was right there in the paper.”

The Firefighter is the recipient of one of the 34 one-bedroom detached units. The scheme, which is located near Spicy Hill, Trelawny, approximately 1 KM from Duncans Square, is centrally located, giving homeowners access to several amenities and government entities.

Tricia highlights that despite the challenges and the feelings she had of discouragement, she had always prayed and asked God to ensure she owns her own home before she reaches 50. She is relieved that her prayers have been answered.

“I have so many emotions, but one thing I know is God is real. And it could only be possible through the one true and living God,” she said.

 The scheme, which also has an additional 26 Serviced Lots in Phase 1, offers breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea to the north and lush, rolling hills to the south. When asked what she looked forward to the most in this new season of her life she said, “to be able to sleep in it and to have my keys in my hand, so I can shout thank you Jesus, thank you God!”.

The NHT handed over units and Serviced Lots at Windsor Hills on September 27, 2023.

Tricia Hylton

Tricia Hylton collects her key from the Prime Minister, the Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, PC at the Windsor Hills Handing Over Ceremony in Trelawny.